Monday 17 September 2018

4 Steps to Find If Your Child is Suffering from Head Lice

Head lice are one of the most terrifying conditions that affect millions of people every year, mostly children. As a parent when you see your child scratching irately their scalp, you do get worried about what is going on, what problem they are facing and more often than not you assume head lice.

But how do identify if that is the truth. Ascertaining  head lice can be a bit complex task but by following right steps, as explained below, you can easily identify if your child is suffering from head lice or not:

1. Stay Calm

Whenever any parent see their child in any discomfort they panic and start worrying so much that could make the matter worse. You need to stay calm and react rationally and not emotionally.

2. Talk to Them

The first step is to talk to your child asking them what is bothering. Is it any kind of injury they might have suffered or anything else? Also find out for how much time they are feeling this constant itching.

3. Spot the Symptoms

As head lice and their eggs are too small, identifying can be a bit of a trouble at first. But as an aware parent you must take notice of change in behavior of your child. If they are repeatedly scratching their scalp, neck, area around the ear and the temples, then it shows a sign of infestation. Also, if you have received a warning from your child’s school, then it may be time for you to take this seriously.

4. Inspect the Hair and Scalp

After you are almost certain that head lice are what bothering your child, it is time to go through a detailed scrutiny:
  • Use a head lice comb to scour through the hair by putting the child under good lighting. This will help you to see and identify adult lice. Make sure to focus on the hair base, moist and dry areas like temples, around the ears and neck.
  • Spotting lice eggs can be little more daunting and you would need concentrated lighting to check for them. There are living nits and dead nits and the living one will be found in the scalp and the dead ones away from the scalp. As examining and finding eggs is tough challenges for the parents and they may not be able to detect the eggs easily and completely, a better solution is to take them to a head lice removal salon, where the experts are equipped with tools, techniques and have experience in finding and treating head lice eggs and adult lice as well.
Once you have found that your child is suffering from head lice, at first make sure to assure your child that everything is fine and this condition will be treated soon and easily. Then, take them to a good treatment center for lice removal in Atlanta or wherever you live. 

Tuesday 10 April 2018

What Do You Need to Know About Getting Proper Head Lice Removal?

Head lice are not a health hazard. It is a sign of poor hygiene or a cause of an ailment. They are quite prevalent among preschool and elementary school-age children and can spread to the rest of the people in a household. Adult head lice are about one-eighth of an inch long, the size of a sesame seed, and they live up to a month. Head lice can live around 1 to 2 days away from the host. Female head lice are bigger and can lay approximately eight eggs each day.

Head Lice Treatment Services
How to Get Head Lice Removed?

Presence of lice in your head can make your life miserable. Most of the people are unable to understand what makes effective head lice removal. Head lice are one of the prevalent problems that children bring home from school. In schools, head-to-head contact is normal. More than 90 percent of all U.S. families look for efficient home lice removal products at least once each year. If your child comes home with hair lice and itching their head like an eccentric person, it’s essential to address the situation immediately, because head lice reproduce very quickly. Procrastination can turn the odds against you. The first and foremost thing is to contact a professional for head lice removal in Cumming, or wherever you live.

Head Lice Removal Procedure

The removal procedure will start with the thorough inspection. A certified lice prevention specialist will initiate by checking the head of an infected person for any signs that nits (eggs) and lice are present. After the inspection, the specialist will discuss findings with the concerned person to ensure that you will be able to notice the results. After this, tangles will be eliminated from the hair by using the natural products. The person’s hair will be combed thoroughly with lice, and nit designed comb by a technician. This step can take a bit longer time because in this the specialist will make sure that all signs of lice vanish. Then the person's hair is examined to explore all nits and lice were eradicated before drying the hair.

And it is not that you have to go to the specialist or the treatment. As it is a convenient and relatively quick treatment procedure, you can even acquire mobile head lice removal in Georgia, or at other places if it is available.